Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013

Redwork piece day by day

I found this cross stitched Christmas tree picture on Pinterest and instantly fell in love with it and with finding that picture i think i also found the perfect project and solution for our little problem. Being crafty and spend time with my husband the same time.
With November on the doorstep, Autumn will be soon over and Christmas is not here yet, the evening are getting darker and quieter. Time to cuddle on the sofa, read books, light candles and working on my evening project.

What i'm going to do is draw a quick chart based on the picture, cross stitch and share my progress with you. Although i will turn it into a Redwork piece and cross stitch it with single thread on 18 count aida in white. The only reason why i don't stitch it on linen is that i have non at home and found the aida in a box in the attic.

I will share my progress in pictures day by day on Instagram. I'm going to use the hashtag #redworkdaybyday. I will also share the patterns on my blog in the near future.

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